can I let my mouth do the listening

At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just not facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls. And sometimes... all you need is one.

Monday, August 17, 2009

the reasons why everyone hates you.

No matter where I go in life, or what I do in it, why is it that you are ALWAYS still in it? I hate you. I hate every little thing about you; down to the last single fibre of your DNA. You always find a way to snuggle up beside me and try to tell everyone lies so they will hate me. Well, earth to miss bitch; you are ruining everyone else’s. I hate, HATE sitting on the side lines watching you try and tear apart someone’s perfect relationship just because you can’t have what you want. Well LIFE’S NOT FAIR IS IT?! No it’s not, you can’t always get what you want, and frankly you obviously, DEFINITELY don’t deserve it! I don’t know what you have in your mind; maybe you were born with it, or something over time, but you have something in your head, that if you treat someone badly, they’re going to want you more. Sorry sweetie, but that’s not playing hard to get, that’s being a bitch; sorry that you’re the last to know but it’s true. I remember years back I told you to flirt but PRETEND to hate them, and poke fun at them a little just to get them to chase you. NO WHERE did I tell you to push them always, tell them that you ruined your life, and then tell them you walked all over them. I wish I could show the world who you really are; a stone cold, self-centered BITCH who doesn’t give a SHIT about any other person’s feelings besides your own. So go ahead, go prancing around town implanting little lies in everyone’s head about what I potentionally did to you. Because whatever you said I did, no matter how bad it is; I don’t regret it AT ALL. Because at the end of the day if they are ever going to meet me; if I even want to associate myself with your vermin, they’re going to compare your story back to the REAL me and think back the the person you are. it’s funny, it’s been 4 years, and you still can’t let go at the fact that I’m the person you are scared of the most because I know all of your secrets, all of your weaknesses, and I know the real you to the point where you have no choice but to hate me. What a silly reason to hate me isn’t it darling? We used to be BEST friends don’t you remember? What happened? Oh right I remember. you used me, shot me down, told me that I was useless good for nothing whore that bullied you, walked all over you. Hmm let’s think about every single LIE that came out of your mouth. Let me get the fucking story straight for you, who was the one that was going through the hardest part of her life, and was so close to the edge she thought she was going to literally tumble over the edge? Me. who was it that found some real friends and started to recollect herself little by little? Me. who was jealous, and was scared about losing the only person who would stand by your side? You. Who LIED to everyone saying that you were WORSE than me, and said that if your life wasn’t better by the time you were 16, you were going to kill yourself when really, you are terrified of death. When really the whole concept of suicide was a big fat joke to you. YOU. Who wanted all the attention, and got it by scaring everyone? YOU. Who was concerned about you and told the counsellor that you wanted to kill yourself, but it was a lie so you were so scared you told them that it I was the one who said it and got me in trouble with everything you were suppose to go through. YOU. who after that incident acted as nothing happened and acted like my best friend? YOU. who two days AFTER that told me that i walk all over you? YOU. Whose parents thought they were good for nothing, and failures. MINE. Whose parents sobbed when they thought I hated them? MINE. Who went through months, and years of counselling, coming out more insane to begin with? ME. So if anyone should have a reason to hate you, who should it be? me. And I do, but I feel sorry for you more. I feel sorry for the person you become, or the person you always were. Because you are going to get NOWHERE in life. So go sulk by yourself. Stop trying to pull everyone down with you. Get completely out of my life because my life is SO MUCH BETTER, and so much HAPPIER without you in it in any way shape or form. And most definitely stop fucking messing up my best friends relationship because unlike you; she’s happy with what she has.