it's days like these where your doing nothing at all, when you start to think about the "good old days". then your start to miss those "good old days" then you start to think how much you would give up just to be back there, and stay there forever. but you can't. its nothing more then a fading memory. nothing more then something you love so much. and its gone.
been there done that; gone.
it's the days like these when your heart aches so bad, you just want to rip it out, because it hurts so much. a heart is a heart. its nothing more then a organ that pumps blood to your body. so why is it when you miss someone immensely, it starts to hurt? i can feel it, and it hurts.
ba bump ba bump
it's the days like these where your missing the "good old days" so much you can't do nothing but stay put and be. and just think. nothing you can do. nothing i can do..
been there done that. i want to go back.
(i miss camp:(:(:( )