Just Leave.
I know I deserve better than this. You’ve showed me what a good person that I have become, and now I am starting to believe that I can change lives with just a smile. I tried to keep you in my life because I know you will need a friend someday. But you never called. You never messaged me. How can this friendship work if it’s only one way? Am I just that girl that you look at and I have “what could have been” stamped on my forehead? Is that the reason why you can’t deal with me? But yet you still torture me by being in my life. I love you; I love you to the point where I hate you. I hate loving you. I want you to go away and never come back because I deserve to be happy. I deserve it more than any person you talk to in the world. I want you to leave. And when you are ready and when I am ready, maybe you can come back.