and it is bubbling in my stomach, like vinegar and sodium.
i feel it crawling slowly up my throat
now it is in my mouth
my teeth are wretched together so it can't escape
no idea what it is, but i keep my mouth shut anyways
but it keeps pressing
it hurts to keep shut
so i let go
set free the bubbling monster.
out of my mouth comes a unique sound.
high pitch crystal bells
i was scared for nothing
minutes go by
and i am slowly learning again what this sound is
thoughts rewind
memories flood in
the sound is laughter.
i am laughing.
laughing for the first time in a long time
real laughter.
the gut wretching laughter.
the tear streaking laughter.
the air gasping laughter.
call me masochistic
but i love this feeling
i love the feeling of laughter.