can I let my mouth do the listening

At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just not facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls. And sometimes... all you need is one.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

and you say i need help? been there, done that. now its your turn

oh i have many many comebacks for you. i have many many many comebacks that I can say to you but i don’t. because i am not a basterd that would sink so low to say that to me. You are inconsiderate, and you are weak. you may think you are strong and macho with your martial arts and you are, i wouldn't doubt it  for one second and I applaud you for it but i do not applaud you for your attitude. you may be strong when it come to being there for me, and nice when we are talking about someone else. but when it comes to talking about you, you get defensive and weak. you turn the argument around to the opposing person and you start bashing them because you are afraid to have hear about yourself. i wouldn't have thought that you were that kind of person. the one that when in an arguement has nothing to say so they look for other things to say. STICK WITH THE SUBJECT. don't go bashing me about my career after you've been phrased me about it. I would NEVER do that to you. I was the first person to congratulate you after you got accepted into Sheridan. Who is the first person you go to about your problems? Me. So what if its just this one time that i am right. and you know i am or you wouldn't have gotten defensive. so next time you have the daring guts to cross that dangerous line to curse me about me and my future, make sure you know who exactly who you are talking to. the person who supported you all this time. yeah think about it. There are somethings that people say when they are mad, and there are things that people say that are the truth when they are angry; and thanks for letting me know how exactly you feel about me. I appreciate it, but i would've liked it better if you told me sooner so i didn't have to waste my time on you. you are a very good person, and you will go far in life, and i have nothing bad to say about you. but you didn't hurt me, you hurt my soul. if i was a person with a soilid self esteem i would be like " i dont care say what you want", but you KNOW that i don't. I've gone through shhit that no one in this family will EVER go through and it beat me up pretty well, so you knew that it would hit me hard. you are a horrible person, and i don't think i can ever forgive you for it. another thing, if you want respect, then you better give it before you receive it. because it doesn’t matter if you are older, if you don’t give her the respect she deserves then you do not deserve it back whatsoever.  next time you pick a something like this with me, think about why i was so mad. you didn't hurt her physically only. you hurt her emotionally, and you wouldnt care because she is your sister. but she is going through a tough age, and being made fun of and laughed at is not a really good route to take with her. oh you know why i was swearing? Because i didn’t expect it to come from you. see how amazingly good i thought about you? i did not expect it to come from you. but it did. and now i am very disappointed in you. i was shocked. i literally bite my tongue to stop myself from retorting things that would hurt you and i would regret 3 seconds after i said it. And that’s worst then anger oh and one more thing. you know the cousin that you always talk about talking about me and my career and how she should and how thats low and mean. well congratulations, you have finally sunk to her level. i applaud you for the second time and next time i see you i will give you a gold star and an A+ for convincing me so well that you thought otherwise.